January 03, 2014

My favorite lens is broken...

Haven't been using my camera since I returned from OZ, and taking these photos today, I realized that the time has come for the Canon 50mm 1.8. My mom gifted me with it for Christmas two years ago(or was it three?), and it would be fair to say, that I didn't take too many precautions to care for it.. The autofocus has seasickness, it's incredibly slow, dark and scratchy. It's shot, and the photos remind me of something of 2001. Also, the camera is getting worn out. Usually you'd say a camera will be alright for closing the shutter 100 000 times, and I kind of guess I exeeded that. I bought it in may 2010(?), and I figure 3½ years is well done. Well, the camera will live for some time, I'm sure, but I need to get a new lens. I'm photographing a wedding in May, and I need to be ready for that. I want to get the "bigsister" of the one I got know, but on a student's budget(that just went to OZ) it's incredibly expensive, and I'm not sure I'll be able to afford it for a good time come. I probably won't be photographing too much, but I'll try and dig out something from the hideaways or something that might interest you. Hope you are all well :)


  1. Maybe you manage to get a used one :)
    Wish you all the best beautiful anna! <3

    1. Still looking ;) Thank you! :)

    2. Hi anna, i was wondering if you would be very kind and help me to let people know about a dreadlocks forum dreadsuk.com i know you have probably worked very hard to get where you are and i would be happy to pay. if you can email me info@dreadsuk.com
      thanks you x

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  3. Anna, can you do a blog about your current make up?


    1. I really change it up from day to day, but I could definitely do something. Maybe a what-I-wear-to-work-makeup?

  4. Hi,
    Do you take these photos yourself using a tripod? They are lovely, you are lovely!

    1. Yup, almost always use a tripod for selfs - My arms aren't long enough, using a 50mm ;) Just a cheap one, it doesn't matter! - And a infrared remote like the RC-6(I got a knock-off from eBay) Thank you!

  5. Måske kan det her hjælpe dig. 1.4'eren er måske lidt bedre, men er den virkelig fire gange bedre, som prisen siger? Det er der forskellige meninger om: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44FqqE6ukjY

    Glæder mig til at se dig valg i sidste ende.

    1. Billedkvaliteten er formodentligt ikke bemærkelsesværdigt bedre, det er sikkert, og også hvad de lige umiddelbart siger i de reviews. Bokeh'en er nok en smule bedre i 1.4, og det synes jeg er vigtigt - Prøv at finde nogle bokeh comparisons, så kan du se. Nej, den primære årsag, er at fokus i 1.8 er sløvt og upræcist som et ondt år, og det er der virkeligt rettet op på i 1.4. Og så er kvaliteten jo noget bedre i 1.4 - 1.8 er jo et værre stykke plastiklegetøj :) Men tak for dit input! Jeg er nu ret sikker på at det skal være 1.4 - Hvis jeg kan vente så længe ;)

    2. Det var så lidt. Ja, fokusset i 1.8 skulle vist værre lidt noget juks og byggekvaliteten er væsentlig bedre i 1.4. Man mærker det tydeligt når man får det i hænderne. Så du kan godt glæde dig tilfå købt 1.4'eren. En opgradering er vist også retfærdigt, når du udelukkende bruger 50mm til dine billeder :-)
      Jeg får selv om en uge 1.4-modellen, som jeg skal bruge til koncertfotografering, da den er så lysstærk (se min nye fotoblog). Men for tiden er jeg også lun på 40mm 2.8 pancake linsen, da jeg snart skal ud og bagpacke til sommer. Den er let, handy og hurtig. En lidt overset og billig linse, som let overses.

      Glæder mig til at følge dit linsekøb.

  6. nice to finally see your beautiful face again!
    i'm going to spend two months in australia, from february onwards, can you tell me where you have been and which places are worth to be seen? would be great to read some experiences you've made there :)

  7. Glad to see you back Anna. I'm happy to see that you're well.. I got a bit worried that something VERY bad may have happened to you. Anyway, beautiful photos you've uploaded. Thank you for the update :) I am glad you are well and hope you enjoyed taking the break you did from this blog. It must be a lot of responsibility and time and effort (exhausting but I hope worth it for you:) Hugs from the over in the U.S.

    1. Welcome back, it was nice to see fresh updates when I opened your blog! - USA

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  9. Anna, could you do a blog about your photography gear and tips for getting good photos. I wish I could take such beautiful photos as you! X

  10. happiness is a nine letter word, mine is summarized in four: your ;) :D

  11. ^ Dude don't be so creepy!

    1. es que acaso le estoy diciendo a usted o que no sea metido yo vere que le digo a esta chica hermosa

  12. I wondering how you take care of your dreadlocks. It's nice to see that you are back again :) (sorry for my bad english)

    1. I really don't spend much time doing that. I'll wash them from time to time, and I use a lot of time "playing" with them, when doing other things. So that's about it :)

  13. hey anna! glad to hear from you
    i'm happy to see that you're still beautiful and glowing as always
    looking forward for you to post again about your house and your wardrobe choices, cause you're such as inspiration for me!

    love and light
    from Portugal
