August 07, 2013

Before dreadlocks

2008, a couple of months before dreadlocks

Probably 2004/2005

2006(red boots)

2005(middle, front)


  1. Have you lightened your hair, or it changed colour naturally? It looks so natural.

    1. My light hair, as in the top photo is my natural colour. I was young and stupid and dyed it black and later brownish :) I got the colour out, and went back to my natural colour which I have now :)

  2. Eres hermosa, y aunque tu eres mas joven que yo, tu fuiste una de mis inspiraciones para hacerme mi dreds

  3. You were cute from the very beginning! I would like to see more videos about you, to get to know you better... Some ideas: Outfit of the day, Make-up tutorials, vlogs (what are you doing at the moment, favorite things (books, food, cosmetics and so on)). It would be fun :)

  4. You are beautiful anyway,but i love to see you with dreads :)
    Have a nice day ;)

  5. I also see the progress of the piercings haha

  6. ohh younger Anna;D soo cute! picture number three --> my favourite <3

  7. Haha very cute pics! Neat to see the difference without the locks, but you're gorgeous either way! ;)

  8. Du er underskøn uanset håret, men i min ydmyge mening er din dreads det der VIRKELIG gør dig unik og får dig til at "stand out in the croud".

    Du har en dejlig blog Anna. Du er meget inspirerende med din ligefremhed og ståen ved den du er.
    Du spurgte for ngoet tid siden hvad du skal skrive om. Hvis jeg endelig skal svare, så vil jeg svare et svar du egentlig ikke kan bruge til noget ;): Du skal skrive om det du har LYST til. Det der nu brænder for at komme igennem dig og ud til os lige netop den dag.
    Det gør det ægte og interessant. Istedet for at skrive om noget som andre bestemmer (ikke at jeg tror du nogensinde vil lade dig diktere alligevel, men du ved sikkert hvad jeg mener) ;).

    Mange Hilsner,

  9. Você é muito linda de qualquer jeito

  10. The brown hair with high up bangs is a really neat style!! It looks cool. It reminds me of YoLandi from Die Antwoord, i don't know if you know them

  11. I think your dreadlocks looks amazing on you but it was fun to see your old pictures as well :)

  12. I got two dreads today, you kinda inspired me to, haha!

  13. Hahaha very nice ! I like to look at old picture as well to see how i've changed but actually, I've always loved the same things even if looks was a bit different.
    I've had dreadlocks two times and I'm still thinking about making some again...

  14. ohh the bangs! <3

  15. You look really beautiful in those photos, but I gotta say: dreads suit you better! Please don't ever take them off :D

    Oh, and I would like to see more videos too!

  16. Hello my name is Elizabeth....i like your dreads for you me inspire me las hize yo sola gracias por tomarte tu tiempo y no dejes de subir videos tank you =)

  17. Hvor var du sød som lille!

  18. Hej Anna,

    Jeg ved godt, du får en masse spørgsmål om dreads konstant, men jeg håber alligevel du lige kan finde et øjeblik til at svare på mine.

    Jeg har enormt tykt, krøllet hår og jeg vil meget gerne have dreads. Jeg er bare i tvivl om hvor meget af længden der ryger. Hvad er din erfaring? Mit hår går nemlig ti midt på ryggen og jeg vil helst ikke have "små pølser" hængende og stritte, men helst stadig et langt, tungt hår. :)

    Og til sidst - Hvordan holder du håret rent? Altså for lus, mider og alt det der? Jeg ved godt, at håret er (kan blive!?) selvrensende, men lige nu vasker jeg hår hver anden dag og har svært ved at forestille mig, hvordan jeg dog skal holde håret rent helt uden vask. Og ikke kun rent - men også fri af fnuller og alt det dér. How to do? Jeg spørger dig, fordi jeg er helt vild med netop dine dreads og det udtryk, dit hår har, og min erfaring siger mig at man f.eks. med tatoveringer skal spørge dem, man synes har noget pænt, om råd.. :)

    Kh. Mille

  19. When u come 2 Rio de Janeiro?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Is it bad if you dnt wash ur dreads how do u keep them from smelling??

  22. where are you? your other accounts are off :(

  23. Its kinda bizarre that two months ago you made a big deal of turning your blog around and making it interesting. And then go completely silent for ages.

  24. Where did you go?? I thought you wanted to blog regularly.

  25. please come back :)

  26. Disappointing....

  27. anna where are you ? :(

  28. Hope you are safe...

    Love from Australia xxxxx

  29. Hello, My name is Isobel. I was wondering, When you first got your hair done in dreads, Were they tight and evenly sized, Or did you ask for them to be a bit messy and wild? I really love your hair and wish i could have hair just like it, The only thing is im worried i will end up with tight dreads, And it will look bad.

  30. I miss you, hope you're okay!

  31. As we speak in France, "no news good news" !

  32. Pozdrawiając z nad Wisły życzę Tobie radosnej twórczości.

  33. wheeeeeeeeeere are you Anna??! Hope everything is good so your time off here isn't because something bad has happened, just catching up on life.. anyway to come to my point; Miss You!!

  34. I like how your heartfelt pledge lasted less than a month.

    Where have you gone? I wish you would at least give us warning before no word for 3 months.

  35. Hope everything is okay Anna...and nothing bad has happened...its been almost 4 months since your last post...


  37. Im visiting your blog every day,hoping for a new post. Can´t find your Instagram,either. I really hope that everything is okay. Please let us know:) Hugs

  38. Same here, pls come back, you are my one and only...

  39. Does anyone find this absence very disconcerting? Has anyone in Europe (closer to her home base) read or heard anything? I find myself checking back periodically just to find some evidence of any activity on this blog. If anyone does find out what is going on please post it here, as the account is obviously not being maintained any longer. -USA / blogger

  40. Yeah, I'm feeling the same way. Especially since I've been reading Anna's blog for several years and she feels like a friend in a way. I'm concerned something bad may have happened or she is sick - because its been many months since she last posted. All of her other on-line accounts (a part from you tube) are gone....yet she said she would post frequently back in August...then nothing..and no explanation..
    Anna if you read this or if her friends read this - can someone tell us all what has happened? Please...

  41. I am hoping nothing horrible has happened to you... <3

    i don't know if its fake or not but it has recent posts and asks

  43. From what I can tell the only legitimate on-line account she is active on is:

    The tumbler account is fake.

  44. Anna's instagram has posts from October 2013..

  45. Maybe it's all the stalkers and people "being in love with her" scaring her away?
    I liked her blog so much more when she was just a girl posting what interested her... not posting something to gain more followers!

  46. She does not care of people "being in love with her". This people who worry about her... this people who follow her blog since several years and who made of her, a friend. But a one-way friendship. It's a pity !

  47. I agree.

    For everyone who loved reading her blog and felt like a friend on-line - it is a bit disappointing that she just not write anymore...without saying anything. She could have at least said that she wanted a break.

  48. maybe she forgot her password :/ xD

  49. I think it's official that she is ignoring us. she posts on her instagram account almost everyday. look ->>>

  50. it's not a fake ?

  51. maybe it´s just a matter of time since she comes back again. if i were her, i would be scared if i read all these comments. it seems like everybody has no life or other problems. i could understand if she would try to stop being on this site. she seems to be a great person, but i think she never wanted to become a fame girl or somebody everybody looks up to. also i think she hates people who try to follow her life every single day, week or year... i wouldn`t like this too... think about it.

  52. If she disliked having people find her interesting and wanting to know about her - why create so many youtube videos and blog for several years? She wrote a blog mid 2013 about how keen she was about blogging more frequently.
    So I just don't get it...and obviously she is alive and well by looking at her instagram.
    Hey Anna...everyone was worried...could you not have taken 10 seconds to say you are okay and just having a break??

  53. that may be. but honestly... she doesn`t NEED TO DO that! it´s her decision. she is a free person and there is no need to tell every single person why she is here or why not. let her be...
